How To Host An Eco Friendly Wedding

Setting The Tone

Set the tone of our green wedding by choosing an Eco-friendly location. If an outdoor wedding is up your alley,Eco_friendly_wedding select a location that will show off the beauty of the environment. If we prefer an indoor location, check out local museums or art galleries that will donate our deposit to a good cause.

Choose Eco-Friendly Rings

When it comes to selecting a ring, make sure to use jewelers that are green-friendly. To make sure we are not purchasing a “blood diamond,” ask our jeweler about the origin of the stone.

Use Local Vendors

Selecting area vendors is a great way to keep the transportation emissions low and support our local economy. If we are interested in using a green wedding planner, check our local listings — they’re popping up all over the country.

Re-Use A Wedding Dress

Though our wedding dress may be our most treasured item of our wedding, there are many ways we can be Eco-friendly when it comes to choosing a dress. First is the age-old tradition of wearing our mother or grandmother’s dress. Take it to a local seamstress to transform it into our own special dress.

Photography: Go Digital

Eco-friendly-wedding.Even though almost photographers are using digital cameras, it’s a must for a green wedding.Digital photos do not utilize the harsh chemicals, wasted paper, and rolls of film that film photography does.Another plus is we get to choose exactly what images we want printed. Ask our photographer if they allow we to keep the digital images after the wedding is complete, then we can save a digital album of our big day.

Use Recycled Paper

Using recycled paper is an easy way to design green invitations or programs. Ask our vendors if they can print on recycled paper or recycle the leftover scraps.

Home-Grown Flowers

For our flowers, select a local organic florist to arrange our centerpieces and bouquets. For a summer wedding, use farmers’ market finds to design bouquet and table arrangements, or use potted plants which can be given away to our attendants at the end of our big day.

Choose An Organic Menu

Ask our caterers if they can provide vegetarian and organic entrees. Also consider what we are dining on. If our location doesn’t provide dishes, consider renting them to avoid using disposable plates.


Instead of favors, let our guests know that we have donated a specified amount per guest toward our favorite environmental organization.

How To Get More Traffic From Slideshare

SlideshareUse SlideShare presentations to deliver our brand’s concise, clear, and focused message. Be sure what we want to convey, have it consistent with our identity to help build our credibility and trust with our target audience. After we have done this, deliver our message in a very intriguing way. We can also use SlideShow presentations to explain relevant information related to our niche. It empowers our audience to know more about the nature of what we are doing and why we are doing it.

Keep It Simple

Make sure we use SlideShare presentations to communicate a focused and strong message. An average presentation is contains of 14 slides, and fewer than 25 words per slide.

Think Of The Title Slides As Video Thumbnails

Use SlideShow presentations, mostly the title slides, as video thumbnails. The title slides should be captivating by incorporating bold colors, an interesting title, and creative design. This is the first thing that people see, so optimize this chance to gather clicks. Back this up with amazing content and our slides will garner popularity.

Make Your Title And Description Interesting


Use SlideShare presentation titles and descriptions as our primary opportunities for impact. Make our title memorable and informative to make it attractive. Couple that with an interesting description to make the online user learn about our presentation. Have our keywords in the title and description to achieve maximum SEO effect.

Include Long Tail Keywords

long tail keywords to utilize SlideShare presentations to get more traffic. Involve these type of keywords in the description, and even in the title. This is very useful in our Google ranking, so think of a clever long tail keyword that associates with our presentation and brand.

Include Links In Key Places

There are key places that we should be placing your links to use SlideShare presentations to get more traffic. Include the link in our profile so people can easily see our affiliations online.

Utilize Amazing Images

When we use SlideShare presentations, visual content is vital in delivering our message. Incorporate amazing images to make our slides more attractive. Depending on our presentation, we may need just one image or a hundred. we can upload images we have taken ourself.

Make Use of Creative Fonts

If we want to get more traffic from our SlideShare presentations, utilize alternative fonts from ones standardly used.

Teasers For Full Content
When we use SlideShare presentations this way, the high-quality content that we made will enable the audience to trust with their information. They will be confident enough to complete forms that we make them register for full content access.


Use SlideShare presentations to link the content of our presentations with the relevant and recent news. our content easily gets picked up by major media networks. This also helps we to be part of searches which trend in our time of posting. We get noticed not only by the SlideShare team but also other related websites, blogs, etc.

Cross-channel Marketing

Use SlideShare presentations in combination with our existing social media accounts and blog or website. Utilize these presentations to deliver content in a more interesting and creative manner than with those already in our accounts.

Build Up our Brand

We can use SlideShare presentations to get more traffic. We get a great exposure in SlideShare so it’s an effective way to build our brand and our reputation. Consistency with our content and quality will help establish yourself and make you easy to remember in relation with our niche and industry.

Importance of Twitter For Business – Study For Business Growth

Source: Importance of Twitter For Business – Study For Business Growth

The Importance Of Twitter For Businesses
The power of Twitter as a marketing tool has been recognize by many small business owners, who are using it to help their businesses grow. Regarding that it costs very little to market a product on Twitter, Businesses should use this tool for boosting their internet marketing activities.

How Twitter Can Help Small Businesses
Here are a few factors that highlight why Twitter is important for businesses and how they can benefit from it.

Connect To Customers
As we know Twitter has millions of users and more people are joining it every day, it makes one of the best places to look for potential customers. Businesses can also connect with their existing customers and interact with them to know more about how the business or brand is being recognize in the market.

Build Relationships
Once we have followers on Twitter, we should try to build a positive relationship with them to grow our business. For this, we should make an effort to post updates and tweets that our customers find interesting and useful. Keep our direct marketing posts about a sale or promotion to a minimum, as too many marketing adds can hamper our efforts of building a positive image.

Marketing New Products
The main reason that businesses must use Twitter is to connect with potential customers and market their products. Once we have created a profile for our company, we can use the Twitter account to introduce new products under that brand or product line. New products, especially those that our customers find interesting, gain more popularity through such social networking sites than they would through the traditional advertising channels. We know that, Twitter is cheaper, and the message will get carried to millions of people in a little time.

Manage Online Reputation
Besides obtain customer feedback, we can also use Twitter to learn and monitor what is being said about our products and company in general. Nowadays, People use Twitter to communicate what they do and how they feel about everything and anything. So, there is a possibility that a dissatisfied customer or a competitor could be using the micro-blogging site to create negative publicity for our products. Keeping a tab on Twitter conversations involving our brand can help to tackle such situations and manage our online reputation in a professional manner.

Keep An Eye On Competition
Using tools like Twitter Search can be a great way not just to track our reputation on Twitter, but also to keep a tab on our competitors’ activities and their reputation. Learning about our competitors can help to plan our marketing strategies and also avoid mistakes that could affect our business.

Twitter Can Be Viral
Once we obtain popularity on Twitter, we will be able to enjoy the benefits of our tweets going viral. A Twitter message can be retweeted any number of times, which means any useful or interesting message we can post and passed on to several Twitter users in very little time. This strategy when applied to our marketing or promotional tweets can bring in great results.

This post give you an idea about Importance of Twitter in Business field.

How To Use Feedburner


FeedBurner is a web feed management and launched in 2004. FeedBurner has custom RSS feeds and management tools to bloggers, podcasters, and other web-based contents publishers.



The easiest way to receive the latest posts from our favourite blogs is to subscribe to RSS using feed readers such as Google Reader, Bloglines, NetVibes.

RSS (means Really Simple Syndication) retrieves the latest content from the sites we are interested and pulls them into your feed reader where we can read them all in one location rather than visiting each site separately.

RSS in Plain English to learn more!

Feed Burner

Blogs have RSS feed which is detected by automatically and commonly used to feed readers when the blog URL is added to the reader.

If we want to make it more obvious and easier for readers to subscribe using RSS, or want to know exactly how many people subscribe to our blog then the best option is to add a Feedburner RSS feed and email subscription to our blog.

Feedburner is a free web service, enhances bloggers and podcasters ability to manage their RSS feeds and track usage of their subscribers.

Setting Up  Feedburner Feed

  1. Go to Feedburner and sign in to Feedburner with our Google Account (create a Google Account ).
  2. Add our Blog URL to Burn a Feed Right This Instant and click Next.
  3. Leave RSS 2.0 source selected and click the Next button.
  4. On the “Welcome” page, make sure our title and FeedBurner address (URI) of our new feed and then click Next Button.
  5. On the Congrats! page click Next Button.
  6. On the stats configuration page select, Clickthroughs and We want more!  then click Next Button.

Adding our Feedburner Feed To our Blog

This is used to add RSS icon and easily subscribe options to our blog sidebar using a text widget as explained below

  1. Click Publicize Tab> Chicklet Chooser in your Feedburner account and copy the HTML code.
  2. Go AppearanceWidgets on our blog dashboard.
  3. Click on the desired Sidebar to expand (so you can add the widgets).
  4. Add the text widget to the desired sidebar by dragging it from the Available Widgets into the Sidebar area on the right.
  5. The widget will open automatically — just to add HTML code from FeedBurner, click the Save and then Close.

Adding The FeedBurner Email Subscription

It’s very important to add an email subscription option to your blog sidebar as some readers prefer to receive latest posts from blogs using email subscription.

1. Click on Publicize Tab > Email Subscription in our Feedburner account and click on Activate.

2.   Copy HTML code.

3.  Go to Appearance > Widgets in our blog dashboard

4.  Click the desired Sidebar to expands.

5.  Add the text widget to the desired sidebar by dragging it from the Available Widgets into the Sidebar area on the right.

6.  Widget opens automatically — just add HTML code for Feedburner email subscription, click the Save and then Close.

7.  Readers simply enter their email address and then click to “Subscribe” and Feedburner emails our entire post on the day after it has been published on our blog.

Redirecting All Our Blog Feed To Feedburner

We redirect all our blog feed to Feedburner we won’t get accurate subscriber numbers because some of our readers subscribe using our original blog feed.

If we are an Edublogs supporter we can redirect our blog feed  as follows:

1.  Go to the Settings > Feedburner on our blog dashboard.

2.  Add our Feedburner address and click the Save Changes.

3.  Now all our feeds are automatically redirected through FeedBurner and we can able to track subscriber numbers accurately.

If you do not have the blog about FeedBurner feeds, then get it by now.

Jithin K









Become Better With Bing WebMaster Tools

Bing Webmaster Tools


We are discussing  Bing Webmaster Tools. Bing is a search engine. Microsoft calls that “decision engine”, means that Bing tries to interpret search queries and gives better search results compared to a typical search engine, helping the user for better decisions. Bing concentrates in: shopping, travel, local and health. A preview version was made for everyone to use on June 1, 2009, and the website was fully launched on June 3, 2009.



It’s included on the listing of search suggestions as queries are entered. It lists related searches (“Explore pane”) based on semantic technology from Powerset that Microsoft pursued in 2008.

Every day, displays a different picture that users can click on parts of how to learn more about. These pictures are about different places around the world, or nature, or even sometimes things in outer space also.

Media Features

  • Media have Video thumbnail Preview where, by hovering over the video thumbnail, the video automatically starts playing.
  • Media has an Image search with the continuous scrolling images results page that has adjustable settings for size, layout, colour, style and people.
  • Media has Video search with adjustable setting for length, screen size, resolution and source.

Bing Webmaster Tools

Webmaster tools

Getting Started Checklist 

These are the following steps for the bing user to Webmaster Tools, this checklist helps to get you started.  Steps 1 and 2 will give you up and running, then steps 3 and 4 are optional, but highly recommends.

Open a Bing Webmaster Tools account

We can open a free Bing Webmaster Tools account by going to the Bing Webmaster Tools sign-in up. We can sign up using Microsoft, Google or Facebook account. Alternatively, we can create a Microsoft account as part of your Webmaster Tools sign-up process, select Microsoft as the convenient account and click on Create one in next step.

Add & Verify your website

Once we have a Bing Webmaster Tools account, we can add sites to our account. We can do by entering the URL of our site into the Add a Site input box and clicking Add. Next, we would like to verify that we are the owner of the website.  Three ownership verification methods. Click the option best suited for our site and follow the on-screen instructions –

  • XML file authentication: click BingSiteAuth.xml to save the XML file to our computer. This file contains our personal verification code. Then, upload the file to the root folder of the site you are trying to add.
  • Meta tag authentication: Copy the displayed one <meta> tag with our personal verification code to the clipboard. Then open our registered site’s default page in our web development environment editor and paste the provided code at the end of the <head> section. Finally, save and upload the revised default page containing the new <meta> tag to our site.
  • Add a CNAME record to DNS: This option requires access to our domain hosting account. Inside the account, edit the CNAME record to hold the provided verification code (a series of numbers and letters) we have provided for ours.  When done ensure the information is been saved.

Once we have the verification code to our site or in our CNAME record, click Verify. If Bing Webmaster Tools is able to verify our site, we will see a green checkmark at the top and a message saying that our domain is verified. If we see a red cross mark, Review the information in red at the bottom of the page for more information about why we couldn’t verify the site.

Create and upload your sitemaps

Sitemaps are a great way to tell Bing about the URLs on our site and Bing supports different formats:

  • XML Sitemaps and XML Sitemap index files.
  • Atom 0.3 and 0.1
  • RSS 2.0
  • Text files

There are many tools that can help to create sitemaps. We can start with this list and choose the product which best meets our needs. The sitemap mostly lives at the root of our domain, if our domain would be, then the location would be something like

After we have uploaded our sitemap to the server, we can tell us about our sitemap through our Bing Webmaster Tools account. On our main Dashboard page, we found a section showcasing Sitemap-related information. Below this Sitemaps widget, click the Submit a Sitemap, enter the URL of our sitemap in the input box, and click the Submit.

Create a Search Optimization Plan

Our Bing Webmaster Tools account makes starting a search optimization plan very easy. Inside the Webmaster Tools, We will see two areas that will help with this task: Once can be found under Reports & Data and its called SEO Reports.  Second can be found under Diagnostics & Tools and it’s called the SEO Analyzer.

SEO Reports will run automatically on any domain we have verified in our account every other week.  So roughly twice a month we will see the fresh reports with suggestions about which items should address for SEO.  If our domain has been verified only recently, we may need to wait a few days before seeing these reports. In contrast, SEO Analyzer is an on-demand tool which will scan a single page on-the-fly and prepares an SEO report within seconds. We can use this tool immediately and as often as like for all pages on our site.

Jithin K

Social Media Optimization Strategy


Nowadays Social Media Optimization Strategy plays in all walks of our life. We saw a lot of posts on our social media account. Marketers have taken social media marketing to attain their targets and also to make aware of their products. So let’s see how to attach social media along with Blogger and WordPress.

Attaching Twitter with Blogspot                                                            twitter-

  • From Twitter account, select photo shown on the right upper corner. Select the Privacy and Settings.
  • From left side select Widgets. Then select Create and Manage your Widgets.
  • Drop-down select Profile.
  • In the box appearing, give twitter id. Then click the arrow and click on Embed In Time and then copy the code.
  • Go to Blogger. Select Layout. Then click on Add a Gadget.
  • Click on Select HTML JavaScript. Then you saw a screen appearing with Title and Content. Then Paste the code into the content portion. Click Save Arrangement.

Sharing the post of Blog on Twitter.

Comparison between blog and wordpress

  • Go to the published post. We can see a button to Tweet. Either you can click on this button to tweet. Click on it.
  • The screen appearing, copy the tweet.
  • Click on the Tweet button in the right upper corner and paste the code and also we can add Hash(#) tags to the tweet.
  • Click the Tweet.
  • Click the arrow from a right upper corner of the tweet. Select the copy link to the tweet option.
  • Take new tab in Google and then type
  • Query for Submit URL to Google. Select convenient results from the search results page. Paste the URL and Then click on Submit Request.

Multimedia Tweet.

  • As in usual tweeting, paste the URL and give Hash(#) tags. Click the first button given below and attach the image to it and then click tweet.
  • You can get a link from the tweet drop-down or from the time shown in the upper part of a tweet.
  • Copy the link and paste the link to Submit URL to Google as done earlier.

Attach Twitter with WordPress.

Difference between wordpress and blog

  • From left pane select the Appearance.
  • Select Widgets.
  • Select Twitter Time Line.
  • Click the Add Widgets
  • Give our Username.
  • Finally, click Save.

Attaching LinkedIn to Blogger.             


  • Log in to LinkedIn.
  • Click the name.
  • Select the Edit Public Profile and URL.
  • Create a badge.
  • From the page select, the first code then goes to Blogger.
  • Click Layout from the left pane.
  • The select option then Add a Gadget.
  • Go LinkedIn and then select the widget from it and click Save.

The post will you give an idea on how to attach social media with Blog and WordPress.


jithin- k




















Comparison Between Blog And WordPress

This is a blog that describes a Comparison between Blog and WordPress.

Comparison between blog and wordpress


It is a service provided by Google.  To become a blogger you don’t need to invest anything rather than G-mail. We must have a Gmail account. It is free of cost, and give enough right to publish on the web. Google has all the power in hand of this service as I said its free so you just publish and upload rest is done by Google.


  • Owned by Google.
  • The biggest blogging platform.
  • Settings for custom domain.
  • It’s absolutely free requires a google account.
  • Easy to use.
  • Allows adsense.
  • Offers a high degree of customization.
  • There are Thousands of free themes available in many sites.
  • Blogger identity can be hided.
  • Code strings are added to the code of the site.


  • It seems abandoned, few to none updates/upgrades. Uncertain future(same as Feedburner, also owned by Google).
  • Extra Customization is done by modifying xml file. Reading tutorials are there for reference.
  • Basic customization is flat and widgets are few and updated.
  • It does not offer a major interaction with social networks.
  • No custom tools for SEO.
  • Mobile capability is very limited.
  • Mobile apps are very limited.
  • Its Community is full of dead blogs.

Difference between wordpress and blog


We can use like a owner (in a simple word) We have all the control in our hand its completely up to you when you will shut down or how long we will run it. We have all the control that what information we need to share with the third party. We can customize it as you want. We can change Font, Background, theme and many more, but of course, it’s not free. We will have to buy a Domain and hosting from hosting site.


  • Polished experience.
  • Very easy to use.
  • Easy basic customization.
  • SEO and mobile Friendly.
  • Only necessary WordPress account, premium available.
  • Active community.
  • Mobile app regularly updated.
  • Scalable to self-host.


  • No custom URL in free mode.
  • No advanced customization in free mode.
  • No advanced features in free mode.
  • No author ads in free mode.
  • Only a limited amount of free themes available.

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