Comparison Between Blog And WordPress

This is a blog that describes a Comparison between Blog and WordPress.

Comparison between blog and wordpress


It is a service provided by Google.  To become a blogger you don’t need to invest anything rather than G-mail. We must have a Gmail account. It is free of cost, and give enough right to publish on the web. Google has all the power in hand of this service as I said its free so you just publish and upload rest is done by Google.


  • Owned by Google.
  • The biggest blogging platform.
  • Settings for custom domain.
  • It’s absolutely free requires a google account.
  • Easy to use.
  • Allows adsense.
  • Offers a high degree of customization.
  • There are Thousands of free themes available in many sites.
  • Blogger identity can be hided.
  • Code strings are added to the code of the site.


  • It seems abandoned, few to none updates/upgrades. Uncertain future(same as Feedburner, also owned by Google).
  • Extra Customization is done by modifying xml file. Reading tutorials are there for reference.
  • Basic customization is flat and widgets are few and updated.
  • It does not offer a major interaction with social networks.
  • No custom tools for SEO.
  • Mobile capability is very limited.
  • Mobile apps are very limited.
  • Its Community is full of dead blogs.

Difference between wordpress and blog


We can use like a owner (in a simple word) We have all the control in our hand its completely up to you when you will shut down or how long we will run it. We have all the control that what information we need to share with the third party. We can customize it as you want. We can change Font, Background, theme and many more, but of course, it’s not free. We will have to buy a Domain and hosting from hosting site.


  • Polished experience.
  • Very easy to use.
  • Easy basic customization.
  • SEO and mobile Friendly.
  • Only necessary WordPress account, premium available.
  • Active community.
  • Mobile app regularly updated.
  • Scalable to self-host.


  • No custom URL in free mode.
  • No advanced customization in free mode.
  • No advanced features in free mode.
  • No author ads in free mode.
  • Only a limited amount of free themes available.

                                      >    jithin k

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